You have brought video into your campaigns to bring them to life and make them more engaging, now it’s time to take your video engagement to the next level. The combination of video hosting, marketing automation, and interactive video software will give you the ability to take your messaging experiences to new heights. By making your video content interactive, you open up possibilities to drive more leads, enhance profile building, and surface more scoring possibilities. This all in turn will help you provide a more effective nurture experience for your buyers.
Before we go deep on interactive video, it’s important to understand the basics. Interactive video creates an active conversation and dialogue with your video viewers that leads to an exchange of information that can have an impact on further messaging. Video that is not interactive is considered passive, the viewer simply clicks play and sits back and consumes the video content. Interactive video requires active engagement from your viewer in a two-way experience where your viewer can interact with menus, quizzes, links, forms, all within the video player. Engagement with these elements can sometimes impact the playback nature of the video by pausing or jumping to a new point during playback. Interactivity can increase your conversion rates on interactive video as high as 10x. Using interactive elements can also increase click rates by 50%, lead form completion rates by 80% and social sharing by 20%. With the average email click rate at 5%, there’s no wonder why marketing organizations are investing in interactive video, it just performs better.
Common use cases for interactive video span the horizon but themes have emerged. Marketers are leveraging interactive video at the top of the funnel (or awareness stage) for lead generation. Interactive videos can be used for collecting relevant information for profile building and scoring, as well as nurturing.
Here are some other common interactive video use cases:
- Quizzes and polls tied into marketing automation and CRM to generate leads
- Forms for pre-sales qualification
- Interactive buttons and icons for in-video purchases or links to purchase or download a product
- Chaptering and menus on recorded webinar content to make the material more engaging
- Hot spots that allow for the linking to specific URLs
- Embedding of javascript widgets
All these use cases and features become even more valuable when interactive video is combined with marketing automation and CRM systems. To understand this across your buyer’s lifecycle consider that for awareness stages you want to create content that grabs people’s attention but is not too heavy on interactivity or strong call to actions. At the engagement stage you can start to enhanced the viewer experience and drive the viewer to a stronger CTA. By including interactive videos in your campaigns, you can capture valuable digital body language viewer data to give your sales team more ammo to have meaningful conversations and get deals closed faster.
To learn more about interactive video solutions, browse our directory of interactive video apps.