Are you a video professional, work for a video software or production company and have knowledge you want to share with the world? We welcome you to contribute an article to the 50Wheel blog. Fill out our contact form with submissions or questions.
A few rules about guest posts:
- Posts topics must be centered around online and streaming video strategies and/or technologies.
- Posts must be of interest and value to the readers here (digital marketers and video professionals, creative agencies, B2B technology marketers, IT professionals, and media operations executives).
- Posts must be informational, not promotional. Avoid the use of the words “I,” “we” and “our.”
- Posts must be professionally written (level of information presented, grammar, etc.).
- Post authorship must be attributable to a real person, and include a short “about the author” bio.
- Links in the text are fine, but must be reasonable.
- 50Wheel reserves the right to make minor text and link edits.
- Posts must be original and not previously published elsewhere.
- You are welcome to include an accompanying image, please avoid violating copyright.
- You retain copyright of the post, but we ask that you not republish it elsewhere after it’s published on
- We reserve the right to reject any post which doesn’t meet the standards of 50Wheel.
To get started fill out our contact form to and a team member will reach out with more information.