We are using wipster in a team of 15 members for over 1 year now.
All in all we like wipster and it does it job … but we discover a lot of things:
– emails at som etime do not arrive eg some really important ones like “approval” or “client comments”
– h264 video bitrate is very low 1080p at around 8mbit
– lot of website bugs eg. you generate a collection review like with 4 assets … the client is not able to switch from asset 1 to 2 and so on
– mobile usability with ios apps and mobile website is horrible !! there is no professional use possible
– customer support are really slow at some time you will wait 3-4 month
– bugs like you can´t delete people from your sharing Adress book
Pros are:
– PDF review (only at desktop pcs)
– Comments are splited in customer and “team only”
We are moving to frame.io now!