- The first hybrid engine in the video recommendation space, based on both content analysis and viewer behavior.
- User-centric features introduce viewers to a new way of experiencing video.
- Multitask minimizes the video player to match viewers’ scrolling behavior and lets them simultaneously interact with videos and articles on the same page.
- Leverage existing video content by introducing video recommendations on all pages.
- Showcase articles, videos, or social media pages in a non-intrusive way, while the video is playing.
- Add an end screen and let users choose what content to play next before the autoplay countdown kicks in.
- Up-Next format autoplays after a countdown and creates a seamless link to the next video in queue.
L’equipe, GQ, Clique, Rexpress
Pulpix pricing is not publicly listed, inquire with the vendor directly to get packaging information. A free 30-day trial is offered without the need for a credit card.
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Display Related Content In Your Videos With Pulpix
Watch this video to learn how to display related content in your videos and take advantage of Pulpix...