If your company is like most enterprise organizations, 2019 is going to be a whole lot more about online video. In fact, over 80% of IT teams at global North American companies are planning on evaluating new online video technology in 2019. To be specific, in the context of this post, online video technology references video platforms that enable the upload/creation, broadcast, management and stre...[Read More]
Protecting video content can come in a few different flavors. At a very basic level password protecting a single video will restrict access to anyone with the password. Domain, IP and Geo-restriction protects a video from playback outside a network, geographic location or blocking playback when the video player is removed from whitelisted websites. The more advanced method is to include within a u...[Read More]
You’ve rolled out an online video strategy across your company. The marketing team is using video to drive demand, the product team has a video library that details your product, and the HR team has an internal video portal for employees. Videos across your deployment are streaming only, meaning that they can’t be downloaded or accessed offline. Videos are viewable on any device, but your sales te...[Read More]
Tracking cookies are browser components generally associated with a website or landing page. Cookies can be dropped into a viewer’s browser, tracking incredibly powerful insights into viewer behavior. A Browser cookie is the necessary ‘tracking code’ that creates the personalized experience you see on the web when you visit website. It enables websites to present you with information that is...[Read More]
If you’re looking to protect your online video content and YouTube’s private video feature is not secure enough there are a number of different options for video security depending on time, budget and ongoing management. Time: How long do you want to spend putting the private video environment together? Budget: How much money do you want to spend managing authentication tied to video? Management: ...[Read More]
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